390-Country Style Ribs w Kraut n Greens

On today's show, I am back in the saddle recording after a long break. Since Memorial Day is upon us an alternative spin on most BBQ items. Country style ribs aren't that popular but can provide an inexpensive and tasty alternative to most "grill" items. As usual, I HIGHLY recommend seeking out a local farm that raises hogs outside with a natural diet. We need to STOP supporting factory farms, natural pork is widely available, just takes some looking.

Also today I talk about a very simple kraut salad that my mother-in-law makes and I love. It's simple and it will be a welcomed surprise at your next gathering. Most people are only used to seeing cabbage hammered in crap mayonnaise. This has no mayo and is almost addictive.

For making the ribs; place ribs into a pressure cooker, add 3-4 cups chicken stock or just plain water.  Bring up to pressure, let hiss for 14 minutes. Remove ribs from cooker, pat dry, toss with a little butter and BBQ sauce, then douse in my Carolina BBQ seasoning (find in the store on this site) then grill for a few minutes, do not burn.

I want to thank those of you who email to encourage me to continue podcasting, it's a labor of love for sure but life sometimes gets in the way. I hope you have a great weekend and let's try to remember our service men and women who have put on a uniform and stood at a post to protect this country. BBQ's are great, but the real reason we celebrate is to remember the folks who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for your service.