“Harvest Eating” is a lifestyle of cooking and eating using methods that have been practiced for centuries all over the globe. Chef Keith Snow has introduced thousands to the idea of getting back to the source by eating locally-grown and raised foods with his wildly popular HarvestEating.com website and upcoming TVseries "Harvest Eating with Chef Snow." The website is community based and focuses on sustainable—local, seasonal, and organic—foods and includes videos of Chef Snow preparing recipes that utilize these fresh ingredients. The TV cooking show highlights the lifestyle by visiting nearby farms and encouraging shopping locally. The Harvest Eating Cookbook is the manual for “Harvest Eating,” and encourages the reader to use foods that are fresh and in-season, and to prepare them using whole, natural ingredients. The more than 200 easy, delicious recipes are identified by season to emphasize the importance of buying fresh ingredients. It includes a do-it-yourself chapter, called “Cookenomics,” that provides the reader with easy-to-follow instructions for making some staples at home (such as sausage, ground beef, mayonnaise, pickles, yogurt, ice cream, and canned vegetables) in order to avoid the processed foods that fill our supermarkets today. ORDER NOW ON AMAZON


by Lynn:

I love new recipes and this cookbook has provided several great meals. It is great to be able to make dishes look like the pictures in this book. Instructions are well written and easy to follow. You can make a fantastic meal that belongs in a pricy restaurant at home. The Mango Creme Brulee is a fantastic desert and is a family favorite. Recommend to anyone who likes to cook! ================================= by F.Rouleau

I bought this book a few days after it came out and it’s one of the best cooking book I own right now, for the following reasons :

It’s easy to find the recipes, as the Index is clear and the book is well sorted.

The recipes are clear and easy to reproduce, I’ve never yet been hit by a “Wait, so the oven is supposed to go to…”, which is common with a lot of books nowadays.

I’m not usually a 5 star person when I rate things, but this books fully delivers to its descriptions and impressions. Oh, and also, the recipes are delicious. I love the emphasis on the ingredients, makes for a perfect final dish IMO. There’s also really good looking pictures, makes me want to cook every time I open it up. :)

I love it and would fully recommend to anyone looking for a cooking book for any purpose. ======================================== by David I was at the Epcot International food and wine fest when I caught the end of Keith’s seminar, and chatted with him afterwards about cooking, and healthy living in Asheville NC and Boulder CO. What a nice guy – very genuine, like his cooking :). Anyway, I purchased his book immediately (from my iPhone on Amazon, saved $10!), and have already tried 3 of his recipes for Thanksgiving (well, OK, my mother did most of the work). They were absolutely delicious. The Butternut Squash soup was tremendous. The chipotle shrimp was also very tasty. Looking forward to trying more. Also love watching his podcasts on iTunes. Short quick videos on mostly simple recipes – all organic and healthy.

I wish it was a little easier to find things in the book (although the index is nice), and also the little icons that differentiate the seasons could be a little larger. But overall, its a beautiful book with great photos and a nice intro about seasonal cooking. I highly recommend this book, his podcast