356-Spanish Potato Tortilla-Tortilla de Patatas

On today's show I discuss a simple comfort food dish of Spanish origin, a potato tortilla. Now this has no tortillas in it..  

At least not the Mexican type you might be thinking of. Years ago, when I was about 25 I lived briefly with an MBA student from Babson College near Boston who hailed from Madrid Spain. This man was very lean yet he went through one large container of corn oil each week. He not only fried this tortilla in oil but even eggs were cooked in allot of oil.

Our apartment smelled like Burger King or Long John Silvers..yuk! My version of this tortilla uses allot less oil and is delicious.

Here is the recipe:

356-Spanish Potato Tortilla-Video's Like Crazy

Recipe Type: lunch

Cuisine: Spanish

Author: Chef Keith Snow


  • 2 medium russet potatoes, scrubbed, peeled, cut in long wedges, then into chunks

  • 1 medium onion, peeled

  • 6 eggs, beaten

  • 1/4 tsp spanish Smoked Paprika

  • Salt and Pepper to taste

  • 2 cups grape seed oil for frying


  1. Cut onion in half, then slice into smaller pieces, see video.

  2. Scrub, peel and cut potatoes lenghtwise into wedges, then into 1/4 inch slices

  3. tbs dried thyme

  4. Add oil to 12 inch skillet, non stick is best, add thyme then fry onions for about 5-7 minutes over medium high heat.

  5. Add potatoes, cook for roughly 11 minutes stirring occasionally until they are fork tender and starting to brown.

  6. Drain onion-potato mixture to remove as much oil as possible, save oil for frying and another use.

  7. Add paprika to eggs, beat well, then add drained onions-potatoes, mix well, allow to sit 15 minutes.

  8. Heat skillet over medium then add 1 tbs of reserved oil, add mixture to the pan, let cook for about 6 minutes or until lightly brown on bottom.

  9. Flip, then continue cooking for another 4-5 minutes.
