Harvest Eating

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Ice Cream Base Recipe

So you wanna make your own ice cream ?? NICE! Here is a simple base recipe that you can make then use to "flavorize" with the ingredients you love. Just be sure to completely cool the base before attempting to make ice cream.

Ice Cream Base Recipe
Recipe Type: dessert-how-to-tip
Author: Chef Keith Snow
  • 2 1/4 cups heavy cream-organic please
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 3/4 c sugar
  • 2 farm fresh eggs
  1. In a small sauce pot over medium low heat add milk and cream to slowly start heating it.
  2. In a work bowl, add eggs and sugar, whisk vigorously until the eggs go pale in color, the sugar is completely dissolved and the eggs start to reach the ribbon stage, that is to say they start to hold the the texture the whisk makes while whisking...about 2 minute of heavy whisking
  3. Once the cream mixtures reaches 140 degrees (use stick thermometer) slowly add about 1/2 cup of dairy to egg mixture and whisk it in, do this 3 times. (you will have sauce pot of hot dairy on stove and eggs sugar in separate work bowl to temper in...then its added back to remaining dairy)
  4. Pour egg mixture back into remaining dairy on stove, whisk often and bring to 175, no hotter, keep there for 30 seconds.
  5. Cool the mixture off by placing sauce pot into sink filled with ice and water, whisk until it gets under 50 degrees, then cool in the fridge to under 40 degrees before attempting to use this ice cream base.
  6. When making ice cream I suggest adding 1/4 tsp REAL vanilla extract or vanilla seeds from a bean then adding your favorite ingredients; black berries, chocolate, banana, cherries, cookie dough etc.
  7. TIP: Wait till your base is almost frozen before adding heavy chunky ingredients lest then fall to the bottom.


Basic types of home ice cream makers.